Growth and Changes in Plants

Curriculum Expectations:

3S1-3S5, 3S7-3S9, 3S11, 3S13-3S16, 3S18-3S20

Half Day Program

Fantastic Earth Day Activity

The students will investigate and discuss the basic needs of plants, identify the major plant parts, describe different plant life cycles and consider the various ways plants are used in our society.  A planting activity will support the discussion of seed germination, recycling and decomposition. They will take part in the playing of interactive games and activities that will encourage the discussion of the human impact on plants and the interaction between plants and animals.  Plant material samples will be used in a group setting to help identify and classify the plant material. 

This workshop is perfect to celebrate Earth Day!

  •  Discuss: Types of plants and how they are used.
  • Focus: What plants need to grow and survive.
  • Explore: Soil and discuss the components of fertile soil.
  • Examine: Live earthworms and their importance.
  • Craft:  Plant seeds in their own terrarium (or alternative) highlighting recycling and decomposition.
  • Game:  Play a game that supports the discussion of plant development.
          ***Substitute indoor planting activity for an outdoor planting activity!

*all photography by Laurie Brown